The Bend Like Bamboo Blog.

Join me as I have the pleasure to meet and share stories of resilience with some of the countries most loved and respected people. My Resilience Show shares some surprising and inspiring stories of resilience.

I believe that flexibility builds resilience. A flexible mindset impacts everything that matters, each month I also blog about actionable tools that can help you to de-stress, master change, and reimagine what can be possible in your mind, body, and life.

Align your goals with the belief that it can be possible, to turn your dreams into a reality.
Amanda Campbell Amanda Campbell

Align your goals with the belief that it can be possible, to turn your dreams into a reality.

Are you not feeling as confident, motivated, happy, and energised as you’d like to be?

Are you wanting to connect and attract more loving and fulfilling relationships?

Do you get stuck in your head, overthinking / analysing?

Do you sabotage your success unable to make things happen for yourself?

Are you lacking self-belief?

I felt the same way all throughout my teens and 20’s. I wanted so much from my life, I am a go-getter and I go for what I want. I wanted to love, I wanted career success and I wanted to be healthy to enjoy it all. But I kept sabotaging my goals and they never seemed to turn into the reality I was daydreaming about. I was scared, and deep down inside, I didn’t realise that I was blocking these wonderful life experiences, because I didn’t feel worthy of having them. I was also scared of how my relationships and connection to the people I loved would change, should I step into success.

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